Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Learning to pray...

Last week my eldest son (two and a half years old) asked me something, being bedtime he has a pacifier in his mouth and I didn't quite understand what he said. After a few moments I figured out he was asking me to pray. He was afraid of the loud noises outside his window, usually firecrackers outside some house or temple. So we prayed and he went to sleep quite soon. After a few days of this and teaching him he can pray too, he asked after hearing his deedee crying if we could pray also for Noah. How precious.

It impacted me after hearing that a good friends son asked if he could pray one night and he prayed for our family. When did I pray for anyone as a child? Did my parents model and teach me to pray? I really can't remember. I wonder if we take enough time to see what our children are learning and examine where they learn it from. I want my sons to know, love and commune with God, how can they learn if I don't. Gotta keep on my toes, or rather my knees more often.

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